On the 9th September 2000, less than 15 kilometres south of the centre of Bratislava, on the edge of a peninsula where the mighty Danube flows, the opening of one of the youngest museums of modern art in Europe - Danubiana - took place.
The framework of its impressive architecture is formed by its unusual location on the borders of three neighbouring countries, Slovakia, Austria and Hungary, but above all by the superb contrast of the wide expanse of water, open air and the endless banks of a dam.
With Ticketbar you can travel across to this impressive Museum on one of the Museum Boats which operate every Saturday and Sunday.
Museum Location: Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum, Bratislava - Čunovo - Vodne dielo
Museum Opening Hours:
Summer Season: 11:00 - 19:00 (01/05 - 30/09)
Winter Season: 10:00 - 18:00 (01/10 - 30/04)
Museum Boat Departure Time:
Please be there at least 30 minutes before the departure time for boarding
Departure from Bratislava 14.00 (cruise - 45 min)
Departure from Danubiana 16.30 (cruise - 90 min)
Please Note:
Admission to the Museum is included in the ticket price
The Museum Boat only runs between May and October, please do not try and book outside of there time periods